newsgroup iso email for this list

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Nov 20 03:01:26 UTC 2009

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 20:13:41 +0000 (UTC)
> Aart Koelewijn <aart at> wrote:
>> You can also post to the group as long as you use a valid
>> email-address in the From: header.
> And that is reason enough to not use gamne.  Sending a valid eddress to
> Usenet is to invite butt-loads of spam.

As I already said - gmane is NOT Usenet.  It's merely nntp.

> Here, a limited mailing list, yes.  No to validity on Usenet.  Why
> over-tax your mail filters?

My mail filters have never been taxed by the fact that I post here.

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