case statement needs fixing

James Michael Fultz croooow at
Fri Nov 20 08:39:39 UTC 2009

* Ray Parrish <crp at> [2009-11-19 23:23 -0800]:
> I have the following code
>      while read ThisLine; do
>            case "$ThisLine" in
>                 "<loc>"*)
>                          URLs="$URLs $ThisLine";;
>            esac
>      done < "$MapName"
> echo "URLs $URLs"
> $MapName is assigned the name of a google site map file. I've tried 
> several variations to match the 
> <loc></loc> lines in the file so I can 
> concatenate them into one long string.
> Still echo keeps dumping an empty string back at me, so I'm not sure 
> what I am doing wrong with this one.
> Does anyone know why this is not working?

Loops in a pipeline run are run in a subshell.  There are a few
solutions to this.


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