What is your favourite FLOSS application?

Preston Hagar prestonh at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 21:15:38 UTC 2009

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Address Book: Mozilla Thunderbird (build in)
> Audio Editor: Audacity
> Audio Player: Amarok (the older 1.4 series, not the new one)
> Calendar:  Lightning (Mozilla Thunderbird Add On)
> CD Ripper: Sound Juicer
> Desktop Environment OR Window Manager: XFCE
> Development: emacs, g++, ruby, subversion (this category seems vague)
> Disc Burner: k3b with the schily cdrtools (not the fork that comes with Ubuntu Hardy)
> E-mail Client: Mozilla Thunderbird
> File Compression: bzip
> File Manager: Thunar
> FTP Client: ncftp
> Image Creator/Editor: gimp
> Image Viewer: Ristretto Image Viewer
> Misc Utilities: dia
> Note-taking: emacs
> P2P: ktorrent
> Spreadsheet:  OpenOffice calc
> Terminal Emulator: gnome-terminal
> Text Editor: emacs
> Video Player: xine
> Virtual Machine / Windows Emulator: VirtualBox (but I honestly like/use the non-free version more, so I don't know if this counts)
> Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox
> Word Processor:  OpenOffice writer
> Non-free applications that you use: VirtualBox (free, but probably not in the way you mean)
> Websites for finding new applications: google.com
> Software available for Windows that you need on Linux:
> One outstanding issue with Linux/Ubuntu that needs immediate attention: (For Ubuntu) Make it easier to find the bittorrent links to iso images on the ubuntu site.  It is by far the fastest way to download an iso, plus puts the lowest overall strain on the servers/mirrors, but is tricky to find each time.
> Any organization or community deserving great honours: Canonical.
> Anything else deserving great honours: Linux RAID and all of its developers
> --
> Dotan Cohen

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