Grub 18 Error

John Heinen hensandpat at
Wed Nov 18 03:13:35 UTC 2009

Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> While I was typing the above the computer started up with G Parted, I had left the cd in the slide, trying anything to get it  started, well now it givs the oppertyunity to patrittion the  hard drive but other than that where do  and how do I swith the LBA mode.  John
> John,
> All new computers use LBA by default. If you are using a computer with 
> older BIOS that still let you choose CHS/LBA/LARGE, you do not have to 
> bother. All you have to do is make sure that the first partition does 
> not use any cylinders above 1023. When sizing, tell gparted to start 
> from cylinder 1 to any number under 1023 (but not too small - you need 
> at least 100MB for /boot for storing a few versions of the kernel and 
> their respective initrd images)
according to gparted: It has 5005 cylinders but no indication where or
when I can determine no of cylinders, It is strange though, that gparted
got started all by itself but nothing else, but the message grub error 18

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