GRIP missing from Karmic...

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Nov 17 21:50:09 UTC 2009

Edgars Šmits wrote:
> I've installed Karmic 64 on 2 machines, so far no great surprises. After 
> a week of using it I need to rip an audio CD and discover that my old, 
> long-time favourite application - Grip, is no longer available for 
> Karmic. I've been using it for many years, since I've been using Linux, 
> never a problem, does what I want, labels exactly as desired, no real 
> bells and whistles, just a straightforward application that does what it 
> is supposed to.
> Any ideas where to turn next? I tried to compile from source, keep 
> getting funny configure errors and have given up, life's too short. Is 
> there another ripping app that is the equivalent of Grip and is 
> supported in Karmic? I installed Sound Juicer, it keeps crapping out as 
> soon as start ripping....
> Thanks
> ED
> -- 
> R.U. Sirius: I used to take a lot of acid. Now I'm older, I take a lot 
> of antacid.
I just tested with synaptic in my Karmic and it is still available.
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