(Dear Brian) iSeriesAccess
Brian McKee
brian.mckee at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 19:50:21 UTC 2009
2009/11/17 khobbos khobbos <khobbos at live.com>:
> Dear Brian 10x a lot for your support and your time
Happy to help. but let's keep this conversation on the mailing list so
others can find answers too if they need them.
> first of all i followed the instruction you suggest
> and everything gone well till we reach to run the program ...
> here what i try to do
Thank you very much for giving us everything! It makes helping so much easier!
> sami at sami-desktop:~$ sudo ibm5250
Ok - first up - never run things as root if you don't have to -
especially programs that talk to foreign computers!
Drop the sudo. (it didn't cause your problem, but I wanted you to know)
> ibm5250: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
That's because you don't have libstdc++5 installed
See the end of this note for the fix.
> sami at sami-desktop:~$ yum install compat-libstdc++
Well - you had the right idea here, but went waaay of course.
Ubuntu uses 'apt' for package management.
'yum' is used by versions of Linux that use 'rpm' for package
management like Redhat and Mandrake.
Don't use it in Ubuntu.
You need to be careful when looking at information about Linux. There
are many different versions, and sometimes the differences will trip
you up until you are used to them.
It's kind of like using a set of instructions for Windows Vista on Windows 95.
> The program 'yum' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
> sudo apt-get install yum
That 'helpful' message sent you in the wrong direction.
We need to remove this again. It's not going to do anything but confuse you.
Again, see the end of the email for the fix.
[ removed yum installation results ]
> sami at sami-desktop:~$ su
> Password:
This time you should have used sudo :-) Not part of your problem, just
an observation.
Don't put a password on the root account and use su to change to root in Ubuntu.
One day when you have time please review
OK, so, to get you back on course is easy.
aptitude purge yum
aptitude install libstdc++5
Now try it again
Assuming it works, see my previous email with the info about making it
into a desktop icon etc.
Let us know how that works out for you,
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