etc alternatives craziness

Derek Broughton derek at
Tue Nov 17 18:33:36 UTC 2009

Ray Leventhal wrote:

>> I completely encourage you to give it a try at other distributions (If
>> you have not done so). I have done it myself (Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu,
>> Mandrake). At the end of the day
>> you will realise that there are always annoyances to all of them. You
>> have to decide what things you are ok with and what things you cannot
>> tolerate.
> @OP:  Ubuntu, like many others, is a (here's the important part, so read
> carefully) package based system.
> I'll say it again just to be clear.  Its a package based system.
> When you run *any* packaged based system (Ubuntu, Debian, RH, CentOS,
> etc...) you need to stay with packages for installations wherever
> possible.  Why?  Because things tend to break when you don't, as you've
> seen.

To be fair, he _did_ build a proper package ("I built
the new aMSN, and run make deb, install with dpkg"), but it may be short of 
some of the post-install scripts used in Ubuntu.

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