GRIP missing from Karmic...

James Michael Fultz croooow at
Tue Nov 17 15:20:18 UTC 2009

* Edgars Šmits <ed.smits at> [2009-11-17 16:20 +0200]:
> I've installed Karmic 64 on 2 machines, so far no great surprises. After a
> week of using it I need to rip an audio CD and discover that my old,
> long-time favourite application - Grip, is no longer available for Karmic.
> I've been using it for many years, since I've been using Linux, never a
> problem, does what I want, labels exactly as desired, no real bells and
> whistles, just a straightforward application that does what it is supposed
> to.
> Any ideas where to turn next? I tried to compile from source, keep getting
> funny configure errors and have given up, life's too short. Is there another
> ripping app that is the equivalent of Grip and is supported in Karmic? I
> installed Sound Juicer, it keeps crapping out as soon as start ripping....

It's been awhile since I've used Grip, so my recollection of what it is
like is hazy.  ripperX looks like it might be a suitable replacement.
If not, I've located Grip packages in a couple of PPAs.


If you've never used a PPA before, you can read more information on
installing software from a PPA from the following link.


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