Fwd: [Bug 469470] Re: proprietary nvidia driver does not work under karmic

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 17 03:58:30 UTC 2009

On 11/16/2009 07:17 PM, Leonard wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 11/16/2009 02:02 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>> --- On Mon, 11/16/09, NoOp...
>>>> OK.
>>>> When you login&  use gnome instead of kde do you still have the
>>>> same issues?
>>> When the kdm login screen does come up, however i get it to come up,
>>> I can login to anything listed in the drop down menu and the desktop
>>> runs fine without issue.  I just logged in to gnome and strangely
>>> this time I had no error messages that the bug report lists.  It
>>> happens that way some times but for the most part I get those error
>>> messages about not recognizing my monitor, keyboard or graphics card
>>> and I have to go and start logging into the tty and suddenly the kdm
>>> login screen pops up before even starting to login most of the time.
>>> Very strange isn't it.  Now, if you want me to switch to gdm login
>>> and see what happens, let me know.
>> It sounds like a race condition somewhere. Either that or you've got
>> some hardware going boarderline. Run the usual memtest, check video card
>> &  CPU temps etc., etc.
> It's a race alright; a race to see if I can fix it before the devs ever 
> start to work on the bug.  

I am talking about a race condition where the kernel options are perhaps
loading something before the nvidia drivers & vice versa. My point is
that the situation doesn't seem to be consistent on your system, so
_something_ is conflicting on sytstem start.

IMHO, memtest is a waste of time.  Have run
> it many times without finding an error. I doubt hardware is going 
> borderling as whenever X starts normally or when I make it start by 
> dropping to a tty and waiting a little, kdm generally starts on its own 
> without me even logging on if I wait long enough. 

And that tends to confirm my point above & also seems to indicate that
kdm *will* start eventually. So, something is getting hung up in the
boot process. Have a look at your logs & see if you can spot anything

JMO. I can run kde all
> day after logging in and never an issue comes up.  Nvidia settings shows 
> the card core temp in thermal as 57-61 C with a slowdown threshold of 
> 255 C. Looks good to me.

> Well, that didn't help; got any idea how to run
> computertemp or can suggest a better program(kde preferred) to check cpu 
> temperatures.

Gnome :-)

>> You might also try connecting via an analog cable if you have one to see
>> if the dvi is an issue... or, set to login automatically, boot up
>> _without_ the monitor powered on/connected&  when you see the machine
>> settle, power up the monitor. You're screen will most likely be set to
>> 800x600 at that point (reset it using System|Display&  don't forget to
>> set the proper refresh rate 60hz, but try a few others just to test).
>>    It will be interesting to see if: 1) the autologin makes it through
>> the process, and 2) if resetting via System|Display works properly. Then
>> try with the nvidia-settings utility.
> First, let me find an analog usb cable if I can.  The HDMI cable I 
> bought wasn't a cheap one and I will be upset if it is bad.  I doubt it 
> is.  I'll try the auto login tonight but here is some new info I added 
> the the bug report:

Turn off the monitor w/autologin and test. Takes about 5 minutes to do.
My point here is that some other bugs, similar to yours, indicated
issues with digital cable connections. Doesn't take a genious to set
autologin & reboot with the monitor off :-)

> I rmed xorg.conf and got the message shown on the bug report but can't 
> remember whether it was on the first reboot or not.  Anyway, 
> nvidia-setting wouldn't work 

So reinstall it.

$ sudo apt-get purge nvidia-settings
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings

so I ran nvidia-xconfig as it said to do

Who is 'it'?

> which put a new but old style xorg.conf file in place and so far I've 
> rebooted 3 times with any error messages.  The data is on the bug report 
> if you want to see.

Nah. nvidia-xconfig died after intrepid:

Purge & reinstall nvidia-settings

>> My nVidia cards are old NV25GL [Quadro4 900 XGL] cards&  use the -96
>> drivers. Maybe you should downgrade to one of those&  a 32bit CPU :-)
> A better option IMHO, is for you to install nvidia-glx-185 on your old 
> NV25gl and run it for a while rebooting ofter and see if you have any X 
> issues.  

Why would I do that? 185 doesn't support my card.

You can post your findings to the bug report. So far there is
> me and the OP and I have already put more on the report than he has and 
> never a followup from him. I fear the bug will never be addressed if 
> there are only two people having issues.  Help please.

He probably bought a $10 NV25GL [Quadro4 900 XGL] and is happily
computing away :-)

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