Samba server problem

p.echols at p.echols at
Tue Nov 17 00:39:34 UTC 2009

----- "Tom H" <tomh0665 at> wrote:

> > I have a server and have attempted to make a share available to
> windows users.
> > My problem is that a windows user "Janice" can login to her "home"
> share.
> > But cannot log in to the "Windata" share.
> Run "smbclient -L" to make sure that Windata is shared out.

I will try that this evening.  But since janice can connect from the ubuntu desktop machine, wouldn't that tell us that windata is being shared?

> Add "log level = 3" to your global section, remove "guest ok = Yes"
> from your windata section, restart samba, and check /var/log/samba/
> after a logon failure by janice.

I'll reply again when I have additional data (fixed or not!) thanks for the thoughts.

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