Samba server problem

p.echols at p.echols at
Mon Nov 16 22:45:41 UTC 2009

----- "Karl Auer" <kauer at> wrote:

> On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 16:31 +0000, p.echols at wrote:
> > I have a server and have attempted to make a share available to
> > windows users.  My problem is that a windows user "Janice" can
> login
> > to her "home" share.  But cannot log in to the "Windata" share.
> > [...]
> > One thing about this.  When I created the user account, I did not
> add
> > janice to the group "users".  I did that and am able to connect
> from
> > the "janice" account on the ubuntu desktop machine.  But it still
> does
> > not connect from her windows machine.
> Could this be related to the difference between "Janice" and
> "janice"?

Actually that is a typo in my email.  But I would think that if that was the reason, then she would not be able to access /home/janice on the server.  And that does work without problem.

> Create a test account "Janice" and see if she can access that.
> Alternatively, see if she can log in by manually mounting the drive
> and
> providing the name and password explicitly.

Yeah I tried that.  No joy.

Thanks for the thought.

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