DSL upgrade issues

Conny Enstrom uncurbed at swipnet.se
Mon Nov 16 19:04:56 UTC 2009

Keith Clark skrev:
> I just upgraded my computer to 9.10 and now I'm having trouble with
> connecting to the internet using my Ethernet connected DSL modem
> I searched around and found one possible solution by using sudo
> pppoeconfig.  This sort of works.  Pidgin/Empathy will no longer connect
> to their servers.  The network icon also shows I'm not connected.
> Ubuntu One shows I'm not connected.
> After rebooting I also have to go through the whole thing all over again
> from scratch.
> Very, very irritating.
> Any help solving this would be appreciated.
> Keith

Have you tried dhclient from the command promt? or set eth0 to auto 
connect in network settings.
What does ifconfig say?

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