mouse button

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sun Nov 15 12:29:01 UTC 2009

Harold Hartley wrote:
> I really haven't had any response to my other question on the mouse
> function with the button.
> I would like to know what file do I need to edit to disable the keyboard
> mouse button so that my mouse cursor doesn't jump all over the screen.
> I'm sure most of you have never had a keyboard on a laptop with a mouse
> button in the middle of the keyboard. But I just want to disable that
> button so I can use only the touchpad for my mouse or a usb mouse.
> Thanks
> Harold

	You might explain that your using an IBM laptop. I have an 
old one and it was possible to turn off the center mounted in 
the keyboard mouse in the BIOS setup. I do not recall the 
details but I expect you need to do this in all cases. Nothing 
in Ubuntu can stop the mouse from working.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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