Low Resolution Issue Since Last Karmic Kernel Update

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 13 21:09:34 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> Running Karmic up-to-date with kernel image 2.6.31-15-generic and 64 bit OS.
>> Graphics is Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT with HDMI cables and PCIE slot
>> Monitor is LG Flatron Wide with 22" monitor and 1680X1050 @ 60HTZ native
>> resolution
>> X has performed flawlessly since day one up until the last kernel
>> upgrade using the
>> nvidia-glx-185 proprietary driver.  Used the -180 nvidia driver prior to
>> -185 becoming
>> available.
>> Have tried all the options displayed on the startup message showing the
>> startup in
>> low resolution mode but no joy.  Have also gone through the
>> nvidia-settings bit but
>> again no joy.  Have gone through the display(hardware) drivers from my
>> kde4 menu again no joy.
>> Have purged xserver-xorg-video-nv thinking it may be adding the nv
>> driver and confusing
>> things.  Probably not the right thing to do but trying.
>> Strange that after the low res message on startup and selecting going to
>> a console and logging in
>> the normal X will suddenly just start up showing the login screen after
>> a few seconds but on
>> reboot the same low res issue appears again.  Doesn't happen 100% but
>> mostly.
>> So, running out of ideas to fix this issue and hoping someone has some
>> new ideas for me to try.
>> Any suggestions welcomed.  Thanks,
>> Len C
> 	When I had Nvidia you MUST get a new Nvidia load with EVERY
> kernel update.
> 	Please try booting with the old kernel. If that is perfect
> then you need to do Nvidia again with the new kernel
> 73 Karl
Sorry Karl for not mentioning it before but I have reinstalled all the 
nvidia related apps
and also the latest kernel.  It looked like that was a fix on the first 
reboot but after rebooting again still have low res.

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