Media Centre: Which One to choose?

J Bickhard jbickhard at
Fri Nov 13 19:58:09 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Steve Reilly <sfreilly at> wrote:
> Brian McKee wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Aryan Ameri <info at> wrote:
>>> I'm doing some research in building a media centre, and I seriously
>>> don't know which one of the many options on Linux to go for.
>> The kicker might be the 'music' part.  None of them are that great for
>> large collections in my opinion.
>> I like XBMC best of those choices, but it won't record.  It handles
>> DVD's and movie files over the network very well, and looks good too.
>> Freevo was a real pain to configure last time I used it, but worked
>> well if you got it working the way you wanted.
>> Install all of them and see what works for you.
>> Brian
> using mythbuntu and boxee here. if you want to record tv you dont have
> much choice in *not* using mythtv.   speaking strictly free software here.
I agree, and you'll want to nix using Moovida, it doesn't record, and
the video library only works some of the time.

Jake (dats me)

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