CRON message

R Kimber richardkimber at
Fri Nov 13 10:41:33 UTC 2009

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:45:54 -0500
Rashkae wrote:

> > Since upgrading to 9.10 I have started receiving occasional mail from
> > the CRON daemon saying "Can't send mail: sendmail process failed"
> have you checked your logcheck.conf file to see where logcheck is trying
> to e-mail it's reports?  Have you ever received an e-mail from logcheck?
>  If it's workign properly, you should.  I'm guessing logcheck is unable
> to send it's e-mail, and kicks back the error to stdout, which cron
> dutifully e-mail to you instead (that's what cron does to output from
> the programs it runs)

No, I get other messages from logcheck OK.  I'm currently working on the
theory that something else happens that prevents the sendmail process from
working, but I haven't had time to investigate it yet.

- Richard.
Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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