IF statement help

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Fri Nov 13 05:42:35 UTC 2009

matteo filippetto wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe you can
> folder_source=""
> if [ -d /$folder1_source/$1 ]; then
>                 folder_source=1
> elif [ -d /$folder2_source/$1 ]; then
>                 folder_source=2
> elif [ $folder_source=""  ] || [ $folder_source="1"  ] && [
> $folder_source="2"  ]; then

This is incorrect.  First, either the if or the elif could execute but
never both.  Even if they did both execute, folder_source obviously
can't equal two different values at the same time.

Nils's solution appears correct.

Matthew Flaschen

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