I am upgrading from 9.04 following the update manager button

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Fri Nov 13 04:41:21 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 18:37 -0800, intrader wrote:
> The upgrade is now aborted. The upgrade needs a total of 2336M free 
> space on disk '/'. Please free at least an additional 98.3M of disk 
> space on '/'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former 
> installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.
> I have 2.2GB free in the partition where /root is.
> I have 26GB free in the partition where /home is
> How do I proceed?

First try running this: 
        sudo apt-get autoremove
        sudo apt-get clean
or to do it from a GUI:
        System > Administration > Synaptic > Settings > Preferences |
        Files tab > Delete Cached Package Files

if that doesn't clean out enough from your root drive, then you need to
trick it into thinking there's enough space by storing the download
elsewhere. I've done this before, it works, and it isn't hard.

Try doing this:
     1. sudo mv /var/cache/apt /var/cache/apt-old # rename your current
        cache folder so if something doesn't work out, we can revert to
        a working condition
     2. sudo mv /var/cache/apt /home/temp-apt #copy the current apt
        directory again, but this time to a temporary new home
        under /home (cue irony) to hold all the apt-files for the
        upgrade (assuming this is where the available space is)
     3. sudo ln -s /home/temp-apt /var/cache/apt # Make a symbolic link
        from the new apt cache home (under /home) to it's old location
        (where it is expected to be)
     4. Try the upgrade again.

or to do it through a GUI:
     1. hit "alt+F2" and type in "gksudo nautilus /var/cache"<return>.
        Enter your password when prompted, and you should get a rooted
        nautilus window, in the /var/cache folder. BE CAREFUL, as any
        changes you make will be allowed to persist, intentional or not.
     2. Find the folder called 'apt' under /var/cache. Copy this folder
        under /home. Make sure to do the copying/pasting from the rooted
        nautilus window to maintain appropriate file permissions
        (easiest way is to open a new tab, and navigate to /home).
     3. Right-click on the pasted folder and 'Make Link', then cut-paste
        the link into the /var/cache folder.
     4. Rename the 'apt' folder to something else (like 'apt-old' as
        suggested above) and rename the link to 'apt'
     5. Close the nautilus window, and try the upgrade again.

This should allow the upgrade to proceed normally. Once it's done, clean
out the old packages (as per the procedure at the top), delete the link
from /var/cache and paste the new 'apt' folder from it's temporary
location back to it's normal home...unless you want to keep the

To reset the arrangement(CLI, after cleaning packages):
     1. sudo rm /var/cache/apt
     2. sudo mv /home/temp-apt /var/cache/apt

To reset the arrangement(GUI, after cleaning packages):
     1. follow earlier steps to get a rooted nautilus window
     2. Delete the 'apt' link from /var/cache
     3. cut/paste the 'temp-apt' folder from under '/home' to
        under /var/cache
     4. rename the newly-pasted folder from 'temp-apt' to 'apt' and
        close nautilus

Hope that helps :)

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