Easy video editing software
mohamed beyrem makhlouf
makhlouf.med.beyrem at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 17:26:30 UTC 2009
ah c'est grave!
2009/11/12, Steve Grace <sgrace at pobox.com>:
> Mark Traceur wrote:
>>> I rejected them either for being too immature (PiTiVi), having a
>>> problem with sound (Kino), or being unstable (the rest).
>> With Kino, did you have about a two-second lagtime for audio? I had
>> that, but when I exported it it sounded fine...maybe it's time for a
>> bug report...
> I believe I had no audio at all.
> Apparently Kino doesn't play well with PulseAudio. There are some
> workarounds, but they didn't work for me and my understanding is that
> Kino is no longer an active project.
> --
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makhlouf mohamed beyrem
ingénieur en informatique chez sagemcom
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