Easy video editing software

Steve Grace sgrace at pobox.com
Thu Nov 12 04:27:49 UTC 2009

drew einhorn wrote:
> My daughter teaches at an elementary school
> and is looking for easy video editing software.
> A quick google search turned up this list of
> 22 free and open source video editing packages
> from the Wikipedia.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open_source_software_packages#Video_editing
> Any recommendations on which of these packages
> (or others) that we should take a closer look at?

A few months ago I tried some of these (on Intrepid). I chose Avidemux 
as it was the only one that worked for me.

The others I tried were Kino, Kdenlive, Open Movie Editor, and PiTiVi. I 
rejected them either for being too immature (PiTiVi), having a problem 
with sound (Kino), or being unstable (the rest).

Cinelerra is a high-end program (that wasn't in the repos).

You'd have to judge for yourself whether Avidemux meets your criteria. 
It's possible to put a video together with it but it seems more targeted 
at deleting unwanted video.

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