Karmic PolicyKit-1, grant access to user

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Wed Nov 11 12:48:03 UTC 2009

Nikita Manovich wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-11-09 at 21:30 -0500, Rashkae wrote:
>> As I discussed earlier in my rant thread, PolicyKit has been replaced
>> with PolicyKit-1, but there is now no gui to configure any of the policies.
>> It was easy enough to find the /usr/share/polikit-1 folder and I can
>> modify the entries there to change the deault policies to my heart's
>> content, but I can't figure out how grant access to a specific user.
>> For a real world example, suppose I want to give my primary user
>> permission to use sound devices, whether or not I'm currently the active
>> console user.  (This is something I did in Jaunty so music would keep on
>> playing even though I'm logging in to another system remotely on a
>> second x session.)
>> I can't even find in what file that setting is stored in the old
>> policykit, let alone how to transfer it to policykit-1
> Probably here (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/465054 ) you can find an
> answer... You can write a .pkla file:
> /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/custom-actions.pkla:
> [Actions for rashkae user]
> Identity=unix-user:rashkae
> Action=<a sound action>
> ResultActive=yes
> ResultAny=auth_admin
> ResultInactive=yes
> See "man pklocalauthority" for more details.

Thanks Nikita, but unfortunately, it's not so easy.

After I had found the details for creating the local-authority files, it
turns out that permission to devices has been removed from policykit and
the job now rests directly with udev.  Specifically, udev rules file
70-acl.rules, which works with consolekit to give acl permission to some
devices to teh active console user.

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