Kit computer

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Nov 11 01:40:26 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 16:17 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> I found this an interesting computer:
>> Barebones > Intel Based Kits
>> Intel 945GCLF2 Barebone - Intel 945GCLF2 Mini ITX /w Atom 
>> 1.6GHz CPU, 2GB DDR2, Case w/ 250 Watt PSU
>>     It appears the CPU is wired onto the mother board.
>> Could I load Ubuntu on this computer?
> I'd bet you could. Where did you find this? I've been considering
> purchasing a decent little ITX PC for an experiment, but I just haven't
> gotten around to looking just yet
Try and look for computer kits. They have 
quite a few.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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