Linksys WUSB54GCV3 USB-WiFi stick

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Nov 10 21:50:31 UTC 2009

On 11/10/2009 07:27 AM, Aart Koelewijn wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 09:29:55 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
>> I successfully used instructions at
> ubuntu-gutsy/
>> for setting up a WUSB54G (v1) on 9.04, using ndiswrapper (whatever that
>> is).  I have seen reports that this will also work for 54GC though I
>> cannot vouch for this.  Google for 'ubuntu wusb54gc' yields loads of
>> results.
>> Colin
> I might have to go that way, but it seems a pity. Version 1 of this stick 
> is reported from various sides to function well in 9.04 and 9.10. No I'm 
> stuck with version 3. It is not recognized in 9.04, but in 9.10 it is 
> recognized, the Ralink drivers are loaded but they don't seem to work 
> quite right. So I would expect Ralink to work on a new version of the 
> driver, but do they and when will it be ready?

Have a look through some of these to see if you can spot a fix:

[Linksys WUSB54GC v3 (ID 1737:0077) doesn't work]

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