C++ Mailing List?

Mark Traceur marktraceur at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 04:40:15 UTC 2009

> Can't recall a mailing list for this purpose. There is a newsgroup
> though, comp.lang.c++. But the people there are very anal about the
> topic being discussed. If any post veers off topic according to their
> own opinion (!), they are ready to burn the offending poster at a stake.
> So be careful. In other words, unless you want to discuss the C++
> _standard_ strictly, the group is probably not of much help.
> Having said that, I would still encourage you to subscribe to that
> groups from a news server. It is quite helpful in many regards, as long
> as you keep the context in mind.
> Another option: I have found stackoverflow website to be very helpful
> with general programing questions.
> Good luck.

All right, well, thanks for the tips. I guess I can just ask questions
as I come across problems. Cheers!


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