Yup, Karmic is somewhat of a disaster

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 10 01:05:48 UTC 2009

On 11/09/2009 04:08 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> System|Administration|Authorizations
> That is no longer there in a fresh install of Karmic, neither is
> polkit-gnome-authorization.  Do you have them left over from an upgrade?
>  Can you confirm that changing policies still works?   Supposedly, the
> old policykit has been updated to policykit-1 and there was no gui for
> it yet.

No. Fresh install on the test machine & on the laptop. Could be that
they were hidden in the menu's; first thing that I always do on a new
install is right-click Applications|Edit Menus and turn on all the
'hidden' things in each menu.

Ah... my bad. On the laptop I'd done a fresh install & then reinstalled
all of my previous 9.04 applications via Synaptic (File|Read Markings).
My apologies for the confusion.

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