please delete this page and make it disappear in any search engine

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Nov 9 19:25:03 UTC 2009

Chris Jones wrote:

> Nay Myo Win wrote:
>> Whenever I typed in my Name, I found that page in lists of google search.
>> together with my email address, I dont want that, brother.
> Sorry to tell you, but you implicitly agreed to this the moment you sent
> an email to a *public* mailing list, like this one. Nothing you can do
> about it now...

Though there is something you can do about posts appearing in Google in 
future - send your email with the "X-No-Archive: yes" header, or with "X-No-
Archive: yes" in the first line of the message, and google shouldn't archive 
it (at least permanently - wikipedia says they'll retain it for six days).  

Don't count on _other_ archivers conforming to this entirely voluntary 

And if you can't figure out how to send it as a header, you'll only annoy 
people on the list...

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