Karmic Koala installation problem

Goliff, Lewis A. lgoliff at GFNET.com
Mon Nov 9 18:55:39 UTC 2009

i have tried installing ubuntu 9.10 on a dell latitude d600 on which i
had previously installed ubuntu 9.04 without any issues. the first time
i ran the upgrade install, the second a clean install. both attempts
yielded the same results - 9.10 installs and boots up just fine, but the
first time i try to open any of the applications or utilities everything
locks up.


at this point i have successfully reinstall 9.04, which is working fine,
but i would really like to move to 9.10. any ideas as to what my problem
might be?


Lewis A. Goliff
mailto:lgoliff at gfnet.com <mailto:lgoliff at gfnet.com>  

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