Prepending [ubuntu-users] on Subjects WAS[Fwd: Suggestion....]

Tom H tomh0665 at
Mon Nov 9 12:38:58 UTC 2009

> Hi!  I have a suggestion that I would like to make about the mailing
> list.  I'm subscribed to several Ubuntu mailing lists and I also like to
> use a message filter to put them in a separate folder instead of having
> all of them go to my inbox folder.  I've noticed that the Xubuntu-users
> list adds a [xubuntu-users] to the subject line.  Is there any way that
> the same can be done with the Ubuntu users list?  by doing so it would
> make setting up a message filer in Thunderbird so much easier and reduce
> the possibility of messages from one list going into another lists
> folder.  As it is now I've had to set up several conditions to keep the
> Kubuntu Users list separate from the Ubuntu user list.  In fact if all
> of the mailing lists did this that would be great, as then it would make
> it so much easier for a novice Ubuntu user to set up a message filter.

You are going to generate alot of pro and con commnets! :)

I filter using the recipient field (ubuntu-users at -
in Gmail; I have never used Thunderbird but it must be possible too.
And I could filter using the subject if this change were to be made.

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