Ubuntu, SATA, installation!?

0 the_herd_of_the_horses at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 8 00:34:37 UTC 2009

Doesn't this OS have a list of supported SATAs? for those who have installed it? How are SATAs supported if there is no list of which ones are supported?

I could also get the following information:

Drivers list for this machine:

Divice manager name of SATA device:
Intel(R) 82801HEM/HBM SATA AHCI Conttoller



On Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:19:33 -0000, 0 <the_herd_of_the_horses at yahoo.com>  

> I've not installed Ubuntu yet, I want to know whether it supports the  
> SATA controller of the PC mentioned. I hope the manual tells enough  
> information about the SATA controller for you to answer.
> https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B8oLg_kLKV2eNGE1Njk5NjUtMjNlOC00NzQ0LWEwM2YtOTlkNThiOTBkNzZj&hl=en
> Actually, I'm not sure whether I'm going to install Ubuntu, and am  
> afraid that I'll not cope with the installation, as this is my first  
> installation of an OS.
> I would be extremely glad if I could get a relevant and helpful reply.
The manual doesn’t give much hardware info.
The best way to find out if it will run on your machine is to download and  
burn the live CD.  Instructions and download here  
You can then boot off it and see if it will run with out altering your  
current set up.



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