liferea at bootup

Scott sclewin at
Sun Nov 8 00:22:13 UTC 2009

Dave Stevenson wrote:
> Scott <sclewin <at>> writes:
>> 	I did a "man liferea" and noticed that you can do 
>> --mainwindow-state=hidden to have the window hide on program startup.  I 
>> tried this on the command line and it worked fine.  Then I added 
>> "liferea --mainwindow-state=hidden" to my startup Applications.  Liferea 
>> starts up, but the main window always comes up as well.
>> 	I just want to make sure I am doing nothing wrong before I submit a bug 
>> report.  What I am trying to do is have Liferea start at launch in the 
>> system tray, not have the window pop up.
> Liferea preferences GUI tab has an option "Start in tray icon"
> It works for me with "/usr/bin/liferea" in System -> Preferences -> 
> Startup Applications.
I did that and the window still pops up at boot time.  It looks like I 
may need to live with the annoyance of the window popping up every time.

Your friend,

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