IPSec + strongswan road warrior.....

Angus MacGyver macgyver at calibre-solutions.co.uk
Sat Nov 7 23:31:37 UTC 2009

Hi all, 

Yeah - I am cross posting this to the m0n0wall lists and the Ubuntu
ones, as someone must have more clue that I do at the moment..

I think I need some pointers with regards to my setup..
I've googled, but nothing is getting *quite* like the setup I would

What I need is a road warrior or two using Ubuntu 9.10 and strongswan to
use X509 certs to VPN in to the m0n0wall.

I currently have a static VPN setup from the m0n0 to another site, and
have done for years, and this works perfectly. (until the remote site's
ISP drops)

What I've done is create a CA of my own on an internal server, so that I
can sign a bunch of certs, not just for m0n0..

I've created a new entry under IPSEC->CA's and then copied the contents
of this cacert.pem into the box.

I've then created a private key, and CSR with said key, and signed it
with with the CA for m0n0wall.

The signed part has gone into the IPSEC-> Mobile Clients -> Certificate.

The key part has gone into IPSEC -> Mobile Clients -> Key.

I then did the same for a key and CSR for one of the road warriors...

Using Network Manager, setup new VPN...

        Address: <External IP of m0n0>
        Certificate : pointing to file of CSR signed cert from m0n0     
(IPSEC-> Mobile Clients -> Certificate.)

        Authentication: - Certificate/Private key
        Certificate :-  points to file CSR signed cert for the RW
        Private Key:- Private key file used to create the CSR for RW.

Put a tick in "Request an inner IP address", "Enforce UDP

It doesn't work, and not sure why..
I am certain I have done something stupid - but what, that is the
question I'm hoping someone can prod me in the correct direction with...

Only two things I've got are....

Nov  7 18:59:25 laptop-testing NetworkManager: <WARN>
connection_state_changed(): Did not receive a reply. Possible causes
include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus
security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the
network connection was broken.

And Network Manager message of "The VPN connection failed because there
were no valid VPN secrets"

Any pointers will be appreciated..



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