Whoever gave NM a keyring

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 20:53:32 UTC 2009

Steven Susbauer wrote:
>> A new user would not have an issue with this problem. By default the
>> keyring will automatically unlock with the password you set for the
>> user account when you installed Ubuntu, and is thus transparent. I
>> believe the only time you would be asked is if you change your account
>> password, and then you just need to update the keyring password (if it
>> even needs it).

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> This is not correct. I KNOW my normal Ubuntu password and it
> did NOT work in the keyring panel at all ever. What password
> are YOU talking about? Does your wireless have a password?

Have you read what the developer who replied to your bug report has
said? Your bug report will be closed if you do not prove to the
developers that NM is not behaving as the developer and Steven have
set out.

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