Network Manager wireless

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Nov 7 19:49:10 UTC 2009

Fred Roller wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Steve wrote:
>>> On Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:15:41 -0000, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> 	I went to Google like Marcos looked for other people with the
>>>> same problem and, of course found them. Please look at:
>>>> 	This is a recent paper and talks to the keyring problem.
>>>> Please don't tell me NM works fine with wired Internet. I
>>>> already know that!
>>>> 	Please address the NM keyring problem which occurs only if
>>>> using wireless (WiFi). If you never use wireless then do not
>>>> comment.
>>>> 73 Karl
>>> Just completed a clean install on a laptop of 9.04 and, after the initial  
>>> manual selection of the WiFi connection I’ve rebooted and every thing  
>>> connects up with out asking for a password.
>> 	Please reboot 3 times and report if you see a keyring.
>> 73 Karl
> Clean install with 9.10 (2 or 3 times :-P) and rebot daily; no keyring.

	Then I give up. Back to WCID for me and those of you using NM 
on wireless and have never seen a keyring panel, I admire you. 
I have had other luck.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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