Whoever gave NM a keyring

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de
Sat Nov 7 11:30:05 UTC 2009



> After a simple Google, I found this: >
> http://lifehacker.com/276986/stop-nm+applet-from-authenticating-with-the-keyring
> and here is where that post is pointing: >
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=f5de5634f4448d733a599c23e4bb0257&p=2776815&postcount=1

Fine, you're more than two years closer to the present than Steve - but
still more than two years in the past.
I'm talking about Jaunty and Karmic, which were both released 2009.

> Satisfied? Karl was actually right.

Of course not, he's wrong as almost always.

Little hope of getting this settled, but I'll try anyway:

WRT to the keyring:
On recent (i. e. 2009) Ubuntu versions pam_gnome_keyring.so will unlock
the default/login keyring upon user login. So, if you tell NM to store
your WLAN password in this default keyring, all you have to do is login
to establish the WLAN connection.
Of course, provided that your default keyring's password is the same as
your login password (should be so automatically for the user created
during installation).

But my initial post to this thread was about something different: it was
a reply to Nils who said that he uses wicd because it is able make WLAN
connections independently of the logged in user. I pointed out that this
is nowadays (2009!) possible with NM too.
Create or edit the desired connection using NM's connection editor and
check "Available to all users". This way, my WLAN connection is
established before *any* user is logged into the machine for the first time.
It should be pretty obvious that, for making this work, no user keyring
can be involved when it comes to finding out the WLAN password. In fact,
NM reads the necessary information from
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<name of the connection>

To make it explicitly clear: I'm not talking about things my grandma's
friend's dog told me but about things that actually work for me as
described - and they work for me this way every single day. Therefore it
would be of benefit for us all if you could stop citing documents that
were written in a time before the light bulb was invented, thinking that
would prove something. It does not, it simply creates confusion.


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