ssh and remote sudo not hiding password

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Nov 7 09:16:32 UTC 2009

2009/11/6 Marc Deslauriers <marcdeslauriers at>:
> On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 21:46 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
>> When I run the script it works as expected and shuts down the remote
>> machine, but when it prompts me for the password (for the sudo
>> shutdown), the password I type is not hidden but is visible on screen,
>> which is not good.  I am sure there is a way round this but I have not
>> managed to find it.  Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks for pointing me to the FAQ Marc, the solution there works perfectly
ssh -t <ip> sudo shutdown -h now

It's the -t that does it.

Thanks to all who responded


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