9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu - suggestion for the future

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 6 12:52:14 UTC 2009

"Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> 	The business people tend to stay with a particular operating 
> system a long time. There are large companies still using 
> Windows 98.

Not many.
> 	Now the Linux business software is made by Red Hat which 
> trades on the big board. This IS the business source.

Red Hat is a big commercial Linux vendor, and they sell to business. As
do Novell with SuSE.
They are two of the big three commercial linux vendors, the third being

> 	What Ubuntu should do is provide an operating system for the 
> world. It appears that Ubuntu is used more outside the USA 
> than within. It is installed by the user with all the problems 
> that causes.

I don't follow.

Avi Greenbury
http://aviswebsite.co.uk ;)

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