Wubi Installer for 9.04

Mark C. Miller mr.mcmiller at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 03:19:02 UTC 2009

I upgraded my Wubi Install of Ubuntu to 9.10 and immediately found I 
wished I hadn't done that.  I have no sound output and  the monitor is 
limited to  800X600 resolution.  I spent all the time I can afford to 
trying to get 9.10 running correctly on my Dell Optiplex; I just want to 
load a copy of 9.04 -- everything worked find under it.

Where can I find a wubi Installer for 9.04?  All the INTERNET sites I 
find refer to Wubi 9.10.

I'm a non-tech person so some of the fixes suggested for the sound 
problem are above my pay grade.  I'm certainly not in a position to 
recommend 9.10 to those who ask about it.  I'm hoping that we'll see a 
rash of bug fixes in the next couple weeks that will make these 
annoyances go away.  When the bug is released into the wild, I hope that 
they are clearly labeled so us non- tech types know which fix will cover 
the audio problem that everyone seems to be having.  Simply saying a new 
patch is available for "libpearllib.3"  [ok, i made that up] does not 
tell the uninitiated anything.

Mark C. Miller, Indianapolis IN, USA

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