9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 6 01:18:01 UTC 2009

Clint Tinsley wrote:

> I asked, please, no flames.  9.04 worked great and I have been using
> Gloria Mint 7 for several months now.  Even Thunderbird is flaky in 9.10. 
> Ubuntu is suppose to be for everyone, not just techies and early adopters
> who are willing to deal with all the problems.  And most of all, it is
> suppose to be stable, which it is not.

I beg to differ.  It's the most stable it's been in 18 months, and it's 
working for almost everybody.  If you post such inflammatory statements, you 
_will_ get flames.

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