9.04 Jaunty - automagically setting the time

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 6 01:07:54 UTC 2009

Avi Greenbury wrote:

> On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 08:59:32 -0500
> william drescher <william at TechServSys.com> wrote:
>> My 9.04 server is gaining time.   When I installed it, I thought
>> I asked it to sync with a time server, but it obviously is not.
>> What is the procedure to set it to sync daily ?
> For a continually-running system, you want ntpd which continually
> adjusts the clock, rather than rather than ntpdate which corrects on
> boot.

Actually, it corrects every time you bring up a network interface - which 
generally means that it's fine for any laptop, or any machine that is 
regularly shutdown or hibernated.

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