Connection to not happening

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Nov 5 23:02:08 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Hello,
> For some reason Firefox will no longer load on 
> my Ubuntu machine. It just sits there with the busy cursor displayed 
> spinning away, and the page never loads.
> I checked with is it just me or is it everyone, and that site says that 
> is up and running so it is just me.
> I checked my firewall, and made sure that all rules excluding ip 
> addresses as hosts were removed, and price watch still will not load.
> Does anyone know where else I might look as Price Watch is one of my 
> favorite computer parts shopping sites.
> Later, Ray Parrish
Working fine here Ray.

9.10_64 scratch build+perfect desktop instructions


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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