9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 5 22:59:49 UTC 2009

On 11/05/2009 10:18 AM, Walter Garcia-Fontes wrote:
> Nowadays when you arrive to www.ubuntu.com no mention to the LTS
> version and it seems the only suggestion is to install 9.10. 

They fixed the website:
but it still has issues; you need to click on:
Alternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows

Choose a version

Download Ubuntu 9.10
    This is the latest version, released in October of 2009 and
maintained until 2011
Download Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
    Released in April 2008 and maintained until April 2011 - ideal for
large deployments

Choose the architecture

32-bit version
    This version is suitable for most computers
64-bit version
    May provide additional capabilities for computers that are able to
use 64-bit software

Don't know why they decided to do a full website makeover at 9.10
time... but send comments to web feedback:

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