9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Thu Nov 5 19:58:43 UTC 2009

Clint Tinsley wrote:
> It appears that Karmic Koala was rushed out the door and is really giving Ubuntu and Linux a black eye as a very flawed, buggey release.  There have been two derogative reviews with the second one today on Linux Magazine Daily titled "Hey Ubuntu, Stop Making Linux Look Bad" and it sad to acknowledge that they are right.  The article reports that maybe 10% of the user population is getting a "succesful" working installlation and after my experience this morning, I wonder for how longed.  I did an inplace upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, things were seriously broken.  I did a clean install, had a few challenges, not a perfect install. Then this morning, I found that my Wine menu was "reset" and one of my application folders was missing off the hard drive, this after a update that sort of worked, I think.  And like many have experienced, 9.10 is very slow to boot.  Waiting for the real release of 9.10... or atleast a remix.  I cannot recommend 9.10 to my user community.  9.04 was g
>  at, it worked, Gloria Mint 7 put on the polish.
> Sorry, please no flames.
> Clint

While I (and I'm sure others) are very sorry you're having this 
experience, I must say its quite the opposite for the 17 systems on 
which I've done in-line upgrades this week (all from 9.04 to 9.10).

Further, the fresh installs (3 of them) went flawlessly as well.

Of my 17 in-line upgrades, 8 were done from internet/downloads, the 
other 9 from alternate CD.

No issues, everything's working (with one minor exception of wicd 
kludging on one of the upgrades, easily fixed).

My experience has been wonderful.

My .02

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