daemontools in hardy

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Thu Nov 5 18:42:17 UTC 2009

On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 06:05:40PM +0100, Terenzio Treccani wrote:
> That was what i was about to try... With the risk of actually screwing it up :)
> I'll try it on a dev server and post here any finding, but any
> feedback on prior experiences in this sense is till very appreciated.

I've installed it from source on several Ubuntu servers (2 8.04's and a 6.06)
without incident. I found some debian/ubuntu based instructions somewhere.
It's a bit tedious to install, but works well enough w/o borking anything. I
get so used to 'apt-get install' that things like patching, compiling, etc are
a PITA. And this rascal has a number of pieces to it. The only one I use is
tinydns, BTW. I did not know about the Ubuntu packages at the time, or I
definitely would have tried going that route.


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