a linux virus: NetworkManager

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 5 16:26:28 UTC 2009

On 11/05/2009 06:13 AM, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> "Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 	NM needs a lot of work. It does work fine on wired Internet 
>> but on WiFi it is hopeless!
> This is the opposite of my experience. I've never quite seen the need
> for it on a wired system, yet that seems to be where it generally falls
> over for me.
> I've not had a problem with it connecting to WiFi except for about five
> years ago when it'd refuse to connect to open networks for some reason.

I've had to switch back to Network Manager on my test machines with dual
nic's. Wicd will only handle 1 wired & 1 wireless. See:
[Only one wired + one wireless interface possible]

And for testing, I've kept the NM on 9.10 on my laptop - so far it's
doing fine.

Biggest issue that I have now with NM is cludgy way they retooled the
interface when adding a fixed IP. In the old NM, you put in your IP,
tabbed, and it would autofill your offset and gateway.

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