new on linux & ubuntu

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Nov 4 12:25:34 UTC 2009

Noman Salim wrote:
> Hi
>   I m win xp user I want to install ubuntu in my laptop can u tell me how can I install it on my winxp & how can I uninstall. I downloaded ubuntu 9.10 alternate i386.iso kindly tell me how can I install & uninstall it using winxp & where it will install I mean in C: Drive or in D: drive? should I just double click & install the iso file or what should I do?
> Noman Salim
	What you need to do is make another "partition" on your 
laptop and load Ubuntu into that partition. Ubuntu comes with 
a "loader" called Grub.

	When you get it loaded, you can switch between Ubuntu and 
windows. You do not need to remove Ubuntu. Just do not use it.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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