LDAP Implementation issue!

sanjay singh sanjay.singh at in.manikssys.com
Tue Nov 3 06:03:58 UTC 2009

Hello All,
We are the people trying to implement LDAP for our organization(Maniks 
Software,Pune,India). But we again and agin stuck at some point. We 
follows these links. In the 2nd link we unable to find file named 
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf. We are trying to bulid LDAP which can provide 
facility like ADS in Windows server such as restricting users.
Kindly help us if there is any other document available.


Sanjay Singh
Linux System Administrator
Mobile No:9011098601
Email-id:sanjaysingh at in.manikssys.com
         sanjay.singh at manikssys.com

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