Some windows Blank

Kipton Moravec kip at
Tue Nov 3 20:07:19 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 14:36 +0100, Christopher Rob JONES wrote:
> Hi,
> > But sometimes I like to pull something up on it so it is on screen while
> > I am doing something else on my main computer. Or check something with a
> > terminal window.
> Sounds similar to an issue I had with a video driver a while back. It 
> was an nvidia driver and with compiz enabled if I open too many windows 
> (not a lot, less than 10) I eventually got blank windows. It was like 
> the video driver was running out of ram.
> What video card/driver do you have ? Do you have "desktop effects" on ? 
> If so, I suggest turning them off.
> Chris

What are "desktop effects" and where do I find if it is turned on or
not. That sounds like the problem.


Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . ..... .. -...

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain

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