
Keith Clark keithclark at
Tue Nov 3 14:24:42 UTC 2009

I am using Simple Backup to setup my computer systems backups and it was
working fine until two days ago.  It successfully backed up on October
26,27,28,29,30 and 31.  However the 31st was the last successful backup,
nothing further.

I found this in my system log so I know it is at least trying to run:

Nov  3 03:00:01 bookworm-acerdesktop /USR/SBIN/CRON[9341]: (root) CMD
(if [ -x /usr/sbin/sbackupd ]; then /usr/sbin/sbackupd; fi;)

I'm not sure how to diagnose the problem from here though.

I use this same method of backing up on my other 4 computers and they
are working just fine, it is just this one.  It also happens to be the
only one that is updating over the internet and not over the local lan.


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