Which VM?

ms ms.cs.engg at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 07:34:24 UTC 2009

Intel Pentium 4 supports Virtualization?

On Mon, 2009-11-02 at 10:00 +0300, Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> 11/01/2009 08:55 PM, Rashkae:
> >> - OP did not tell what is his CPU
> >> - KVM on compliant hardware (most 64bit CPU are)
> > Beware of Intel. I was unpleasantly surprised recently to learn that
> > Intel has chosen to remove the virtualization feature on most of their
> > newer Core 2 Duo models.
> Thanks for the warning.
> I try to buy AMD CPUs when I can.
> (My laptop and my workstation are AMD)
> -- 
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>     Administration Systeme, Recherche & Developpement
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