Jaunty Jackalope (RESOLVED)

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 3 00:02:43 UTC 2009

On 11/02/2009 03:51 PM, John Graddy wrote:
> Thanks to all who responded.  I now have what I need.  However, I do
> have a new question.
> I have downloaded a release to one computer.  I did an MD5SUM and all is
> OK.  However, if I copy the iso file to a usb flash drive and move it to
> a different computer, I get a totally different md5sum on the file after
> I put it on the hard disk.
> Is something getting changed in the transfer process that I'm using???

No. The md5sum will change when you transfer the iso.

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